Share Information.
Solve Crimes.Save Time.

Multitude is building the future of criminal and public safety information sharing technology.
Leading Innovation

BLTN improves public safety outcomes and supports a smarter, more agile police force

Police Departments across the country are joining the BLTN network
Create Faster
Use our intelligent forms, upload bulletins, or pull data directly from your other tools.
Search and Analyze
With a fully operational bulletin database, you can filter, search, and investigate like never before.
Uncover Links
Bulletins are better with automatic alerts every time BLTN detects similarities and patterns with neighboring agencies.
Multitude transforms how police departments share information through cutting-edge technology.

Transform Your Agency with Once-in-a-Generation Connectivity

BLTN revolutionizes law enforcement information sharing by enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and proactive capabilities. Upload bulletins or create them on your mobile device. Then, BLTN compares posts and analyze vast amounts of other criminal  data, identifying patterns and trends. This leads to faster case resolution and more informed decision-making.
"Before Multitude, our most advanced collaboration tool was email.  Buelltin (BLTN) makes our sharing smarter, faster, and easier.  This is a must for any forward-thinking department."
Det. Sgt. Swift
Boston Area Detective
Innovators in Public Safety

Who is Multitude Insights? 

We create public safety tools that help agencies share information and collaborate, in order to solve crimes faster and keep communities safer.
Expert Team
Our team combines some of the best from law enforcement, military, legal expertise, and technical backgrounds. Each team member believes in the power of a team and we bring that attitude in building partnerships with our clients.
Cutting Edge Tools
We are dedicated to serving technology-minded police and investigators by providing efficient tools that help solve crimes faster. Our goal is to make our customers feel valued, listened to, and empowered with advanced resources.
Integrity First
We are committed to building a state-of-the-art, nationwide information sharing platform that fosters trust and integrity within the law enforcement community. Our solutions ensure reliability and security, enhancing public safety efforts.
Community Driven
We engage with communities to enhance public safety through collaborative efforts. Our platform supports seamless data sharing and integration, facilitating better communication and cooperation among public safety stakeholders.

Latest posts

Launching the Innovators of Publc Safety Podcast
Our CEO, Matt White, recently launched a podcast focused on the hottest technology, tactics, and companies in public safety. Take a listen today on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen!
The Year Law Enforcement Intelligence Sharing Transformed: 2024’s Breakthroughs and What’s Next
In a look back at 2024, CEO and Co-Founder Matthew White shares his insights on the transformation of law enforcement information sharing.
No Rank in the Cockpit (and the other things we do)
To drive success, organizations, like business and law enforcement, need to take the approach of ‘no rank in the cockpit”, dropping the hierarchy that blocks true teamwork.

Effortless Intelligence Sharing for Modern Agencies

Multitude offers effortless intelligence sharing for public safety agencies, streamlining communication and data integration. Our advanced AI tools empower agencies with near real-time insights and analytics, ensuring efficient and effective service to communities.
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